Mrs. E.

Attorney Hunter helped me and my husband with a judgment that we desired to pay but could not. We met with her in person and she reviewed our case and patiently went over the whole forms explaining how we should best complete them.  She then reviewed all our paperwork once we filled it out. I was really stressed and nervous about the whole situation and I had lots of questions. Attorney Hunter was extremely patient and wrote me long detailed answers to my questions and reassured me that all would be ok.  She also answered all my phone calls quickly.  Our paperwork was accepted and now we are saving for a settlement and get this over with once and for all.  I was very grateful for the kind and compassionate care of Mrs. Hunter and how generous she was with her time and advice.  I highly recommend this attorney.  She is very knowledgeable, helpful and affordable.  She made a difficult situation easier to bear. Thank you, Ms. Hunter!

Mrs. E.
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